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Strangers (No More)

Hi there, everyone!

I'm currently participating in a 30 day photo challenge, and today is day 25. For today, I had to take a picture of strangers. Here's my pic and a little story about it.


Day 25 #30dayphoto: Strangers (No More). Two days ago, I walked the lake and saw these two men. I've seen them before, walking, and every time I did, I would smile. Just made me happy to see them together. I'm typically not the type of person to go up and ask strangers for a picture (or for anything, for that matter), but I gathered up the nerve, power walked up to them, and asked, "May I take a picture of you two? I often see you here, and when I do, I smile." They immediately said yes, and Merle (the one with the awesome stick!) then said, "And just so you know, we're not homeless." We all fell out laughing from that, and then from Darryl telling me, jokingly, that he was an extra for Duck Dynasty. We sat and talked for thirty minutes on Islamic faith, books, peace, and the plight of the single black educated woman (for real, lol). All I did was ask for a picture, but in the end, they told me their life stories, shared laughs with me, and filled my heart with warmth for the rest of the day. Best part of the moment: When I shook their hands, I FINALLY, FINALLY got a great handshake from someone here. I knew they were good people, and that made the moment all the more special for me.

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